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5 B2B marketing myths to bust in 2023

There are certain marketing myths that we hear over and over that make our blood boil. Believing in these myths holds back your company and your marketing efforts. As we enter 2023, we want to leave these myths in the past.

5  B2B marketing myths (that need to die)

1. In order to be relevant, you have to be trendy.

2. Marketing is a faucet for leads you can just turn on and off.

3. If you make a good ad, people will share it.

4. My business or industry needs to be professional and boring.

5. The perfect marketing framework exists.

And bonus: mountain climbing is a great metaphor for business.

For more on each marketing myth and why it’s untrue, listen to the episode or read the transcript below.

One more thing: Please take 5 minutes to fill out our listener survey and tell us what you think of the show. One lucky respondent will win either a $50 Amazon gift card or a donation to their local food bank.


Hope Morley: Hi listeners. Before we get into the episode today, just one last quick pitch for you to fill out our listener survey in the show notes. We've gotten some great responses so far, and we really love hearing from you: what you like about the show, what you'd like to hear more of. It will help us make content decisions for the rest of 2023. So if you're a regular listener or if this is your first episode, please fill out the survey, let us know what you think. 

And a lucky winner will get an Amazon gift card or a donation to their local food bank for their troubles. So, onto the show. 

Hope Morley: Your business is not boring. Your business is cool. There's cool stories. You're making the lives of your customers better, so talk about it and have some fun. 

Hope Morley: Hello and welcome to Death to the Corporate Video, a podcast with tools and advice for how to make B2B video ads your prospects actually want to watch. I'm Hope Morley.

Guy Bauer: I am Guy Bauer.

Hope Morley: Today on the show we are going to be talking about marketing myths and specifically marketing myths that we hear all the time that we wish would just die and go away. So we don't have to be rebutting them anymore with clients, with people who work outside of marketing, with the higher ups that we're trying to pitch our marketing things to. We want these to go away in 2023. As we go through, I'm going to share each marketing myth and then we'll discuss. All right, Guy. You ready?

Guy Bauer: I am ready. Let's do this.

Hope Morley: All right. Marketing myth number one. The myth is in order to be relevant, you need to be trendy. What we mean by this is that you don't need to use trends or necessarily be trendy for your marketing to be good. So for example, we are hearing a lot of people now talking about AI, you know, using AI generated images or ChatGPT, right, to do their marketing and it, it's not necessary for you to be a good marketer, for you to be jumping on those trends all the time.

Guy Bauer: Right. Like now, you feel like you're missing the boat if you're not using Jasper to write your blogs or yeah, if you're not using Dall-E to make your images or whatever the new tool is or the new trend. There could be visual trends, there could be kind of like creative trends. There's all these trends swirling around. And go to any conference and like there's so much peer pressure, like in all the publications and trade magazines, there's so much pressure to hop on these bandwagons and you feel like you're a bad marketer or you're gonna be left in the dust if you don't do this new thing. And I think that's simply just not the case.

I think it's important to be aware of trends, but I don't mind if you're a laggard when it comes to trends. For example, metaverse, a year ago, if your brand wasn't owning property on the metaverse, you were a loser. And now the metaverse is nothing. If it all collapsed, you know, 10 years ago it was 3D TV.

I remember 10 years ago it was AR and VR. If you're not doing stuff in VR, you're a loser. Where did that go? So, and then some trends do work like apps, right? Social media. I remember 10 years ago, like, eh, it's just a fad. It's just a trend. Well, no. And you know, Gary Vee always says he wants to rename social media because that makes it sound like it's – No, no.His thing is like, no, no, no. That's just media now. That's just the way things are done. It's not social media. It's not some special thing. So there's some trends that end up panning out, but I would argue that most don't. And when you try to, you know, they always say like, there's a difference between tactic and strategy.

It's the same thing. It's like a trend is just like a tactic or like a style or a means to do something. It's not a mandatory, it's not a strategy. Hopping on a trend is not a strategy, so don't worry about being a laggard. Don't worry about, you know, at the next conference when your fellow marketers are asking if you're doing AR or VR, just saying “no, we'll see. Yeah. Not yet.” 

Be aware. I think you should be aware of what's going on, but you don't need to hop on every little thing. You're gonna go nuts. I used to work in radio and the news guy, Kent Voss, always told me, he's like, what you wanna be is actually like the blue jeans and white t-shirt, because it never goes out of style. Like master the fundamentals, just like really focus on just the basics. And I'm telling you, so many brands just can't even do that. So just worry about the basics first. Just be fundamentally sound and then potentially you can add flourishes of trends here and there, but you can't build a brand on just a trend because guess what like these are just trends. They don't define a brand or anything, like they're just trends. So chill out.

Hope Morley: Yeah, to be relevant and really have powerful marketing, you need to have the core of your marketing strong. So that's your core strategy. That's your brand voice. That's figuring out who you're talking to and what you're saying to them. And things like being in the metaverse or anything, like any of those trendy things, that's just dressing that you're putting on it.

And maybe it's right for your company and maybe it's not, but that's something, you know, if you're getting pressure from up above, like, why aren't we on the metaverse? Why aren't we writing about AI? You know, it might not be right for you yet, and that doesn't mean that you're not a good marketer.

Guy Bauer: Yes. That myth was busted.

Hope Morley: Alright, myth number two. The myth is that marketing is a faucet for leads that you can just turn on and off when you need to get more leads for your business.

Guy Bauer: Yeah, we hear this a bit, you know, we'll throw a thousand bucks at a paid campaign and get leads and convert them and… And I wish it were that simple. And you know, that's what Google ads and all these ad platforms want you to believe, right? That it, that's what they're selling, right?

Is that, yeah, you just turn it on and the leads will come. And then when you have enough leads, you just turn it off. And unfortunately that's just not the case. David C. Baker, acclaimed agency guru extraordinaire, he says marketing is more like one of those old fashioned water pumps like those manual pumps like on a farm or something where you're pumping that thing for a good minute before water comes out.

And that's really what marketing is. And the other thing is that you have to keep pumping, albeit you don't have to pump as hard once the water flows, but you still need to maintain.  

Hope Morley: A low level of effort.

Guy Bauer: A low level of effort, right? Like right now, if Apple were to turn off all marketing, Apple wouldn't cease to exist, but they would eventually have a long, slow decline into irrelevance, like they have to keep that machine going.

Marketing is an ever-present machine that must be maintained, and especially when you're starting, a lot of effort has to be given to it and keep in mind, have realistic expectations that it's not just gonna happen overnight. It takes a while to get spun up. So, yeah, no, marketing is not a lead faucet. It's more like a lead water pump.

Hope Morley: Yeah. So, and like you were saying, to stick with the metaphor, if you do stop and you turn it off, you need that ramp up time again. Like you've lost that consistent effort. So if you're not investing in the long game for us, you know, that's the brand building activity. Those things that should always be kind of running in the background to keep that engine running just a little bit.

And if you wanna ramp up, then you, you know, you are going at a pace that you can then just step on the gas when you do realize that, hey, we need more leads in Q2. Let's up our investment and see, you know, if we can get some more people in by investing in Google ads. But it's not as simple as just on and off when you need it.

Guy Bauer: Yep. Yep. I wanna write a book, actually, I'm not kidding now. But it's like no one knows where leads come from. They just don't. It's the same thing, like what's the key to winning a football game?

I have football on the mind. My Bengals are in the postseason. As of today, January 19th, we just won our wild card. But you know, everyone wants to oversimplify it down to the quarterback, right? They always go, it's Joe Burrow versus Josh Allen. Like, no, it's not. And you can't even say it's just about the teams too, cuz it's about the coaches.

And then you can't even say it's just about the coaches, it's about the ownership. And what about like the trainers, what.

Hope Morley: And like you make a big deal, like you wanna, the Bengals wanna play at their home stadium. Like there's so many factors that go into this thing too. It's like, do you have your fans there? What is every little element that goes into it that gets you to that win?

Guy Bauer: Yes. And that's the, and it's like, so I can't pinpoint where an NFL win comes from. I can't, like we assign value to Joe Burrow, the quarterback, and that he is probably most valuable on that team, but by most valuable, he probably has a 5% influence on where the team, like if the team's gonna win or not.

So it's oversized. That 5% is definitely oversized because most likely every team member, I mean it's a 53 man roster and then there's coaches and everything. So I mean, even if you just did a straight, it's probably each element has like a 1%, you know, change.

Hope Morley: Mm-hmm.

Guy Bauer: So, yes, Joe Burrow is, his impact is felt at that 5% figure, but you still don't know like, where the value is and it's really impossible to assign it.

And it's the same thing, like, so no one knows where an NFL win comes from. No one knows where a lead comes from. No one can tell you like where leads come from. They come from like everything.

Hope Morley: It's a combination. Yeah. It's that whole magical mix that you've been putting together. It's not just your amazing podcast that you share your insights on, or your great ads or your great website. It's a combination of things.

Guy Bauer: Yep. What was the myth again? I feel like we went off.

Hope Morley: Marketing is a faucet for leads that you can turn on and off.

Guy Bauer: Yes. Yes. That's it. Yes. There it is.

Hope Morley: Marketing is your N F L quarterback. No, that's not the myth. All right, myth number three. Myth number three is that if you make a really great ad, people will share it.

Guy Bauer: Yeah. We hear this a lot with clients. It's a myth. It's a myth. Like people don't share ads.

Hope Morley: They don't, and I think we hear this a lot now. We used to, 10 years ago when we got into this business, seven years since I've been in this business, people used to say that they wanted to go viral. And I think that everybody has now figured out that you can't just make a video and go viral. And we, everybody has kind of figured out that you can't ask for that and you can't like count on that.

But this is kind of the updated 2023 version of saying we want to go viral. People still wanna measure the effectiveness of an ad by shares. And that's just not how ads work.

Guy Bauer: Yeah. Ads are inherently ads and no one shares ads. There are a few exceptions. So like the Pepsi ad with, I forget, is it Kendall Jenner or one of the Jenners? 

Hope Morley: We said the wrong thing last time we talked about this ad, but it was a Jenner whose name starts with K

Guy Bauer: A Jenner child, in the Pepsi ad, you know, but that was shared for the wrong reasons because it was awful. The Larry David FTX commercial is being shared right now, but not because it didn't get shared on the Super Bowl. You know, it got shared post when FTX collapsed. I mean, and, and of course there's ads, we all know them, that do go viral from time to time. There's like the Hump Day. Mike, Mike, Mike. 

Hope Morley: Sometimes people talk about ads. That's the thing. I think there's a difference between sharing an ad and it being something that you talk about and maybe you mention it to somebody, you look it up on YouTube, but you're not, like most of us are not tweeting or posting on LinkedIn with like, look at this funny commercial I saw last night.

Guy Bauer: Correct. It does happen. Some of our ads go a little tad viral. It’s that expectation needs to go away. And you gotta stop judging ads effectiveness by how much they've been shared. And this is really just a thing of like, an ad by definition is an advertisement and needs to be sponsored.

Like no one wants to watch them. That's the point. 

Hope Morley: This is a difference that we talk about with our clients and I think it's really important to get through here, is the difference between an ad and something that's made to be organic content. So an ad is different from something that you're creating that's maybe educational, or that's content marketing, something that's just a little bit more useful to people that you think that it’ll have more organic juice and ad is not really, it doesn't behave the same way.

Guy Bauer: Correct. An ad is meant to be paid for. You're basically interrupting or getting in front of people that are potential buyers. So for example, Webflow has this really good ad, I like it. It was like if web design was like in an office and they did, nothing would work right.

And things wouldn't, and it's these people in an office and like the office is misbehaving, like a website misbehaves. So it's a great ad. I like it. I think it's good. I haven't shared it. I haven't told anyone. I like it. I do. 

Hope Morley: This is the first time I'm hearing about it. And we talk about ads that we like!

Guy Bauer: Yeah. And on the other hand, Webflow has this amazing series of educational videos on how to use Webflow, and I have shared that.

So I've like me and my business buddies, we talk about Webflow and how much we love it. And just the other day I was emailing back and forth and we were emailing back and forth webflow instruction videos. Instruction videos are much different than ads. Instruction video is branded content, for sure. They say Webflow on those instruction videos, but those instruction videos are altruistic in nature and this is where you always have to, like, we have the spectrum that we put things on, so on the left side of the spectrum are advertisements. Those are ads like the Geico, “Mike, Mike, Mike”, or just any ad that you've ever seen. Those ads need to be paid for. The effectiveness of an ad is measured in CPM, CPA,, all the Cs. 

Hope Morley: Acronyms. Yeah. 

Guy Bauer: Yeah. how efficient you can get your spend.

A good ad is very efficient. On the right hand side of the spectrum is content. So this is like the Webflow instruction videos or if you're familiar with our stuff, this is like our Halloween spoofs every year where the content is not about the brand. Yes, there's a logo at the end of it, but it's not a commercial.

It's a piece of content. And I like to say the altruism is very high. Like you're literally just making something for people to digest. And yes, it is branded at the end, but there's no advertisement. 

Hope Morley: The core of it is a funny video. It's a funny sketch, kind of like an SNL sketch. You might share it with somebody the next day.

Guy Bauer: Correct. The core of it is not an advertisement, and this is where, everyone makes the mistake is they do both at the same time. So they'll try to get a bunch of marketing messages in and then wonder why it's not going viral or being shared. It's because nobody's gonna share that, like people in your company may.

But why would they share an ad? Again, there's flukes, right? Everyone can point where there's an exception to this rule, you have to keep in mind, you can probably name 10 viral ads you've ever seen in your life, but 10 ads have been released in the last nanosecond. You know what I mean? So it's like 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0 1%. We all have seen, you know, Dollar Shave Club went viral. Totally. It's an ad. Yep. 

Hope Morley: And that's an example that is now 12 years old.

Guy Bauer: Yeah, it's super old. You know, so it has happened. Those are exceptions. Those are flukes. It's not an expectation. You should not be evaluating your ads based on how much they get shared, and that's not an indicator of effectiveness at all for at ads.

Hope Morley: All right. Myth busted. I really need to get more sound effects.

Guy Bauer: Yeah, we should get one of those sound boards.

Hope Morley: We do. We need some more morning show up in here. All right.

Guy Bauer: Oh, wait. I have a bell around here. Here it is. Busted.

Hope Morley: All right, myth number four. This is specifically a B2B marketing myth, but the myth is my business or my industry is boring and all of our marketing needs to be very professional and buttoned up.

Guy Bauer: Yeah, our clients, our clients are scientists, they just want the facts. They're not gonna want any of this creative stuff. They don't wanna laugh, they don't want, you know, they just need, these people are boring and that's just not real. Because if that's the truth, then like you're telling me when these people go home, what do they do?

They just read white papers. Like they have never seen a show. They don't watch anything that's funny. 

Hope Morley: No, they don't scroll TikTok. They don't watch TV. Nope.

Guy Bauer: Yeah. No. That's just perhaps when you meet them at conferences, you know, they're like wearing their suits and acting all professional and stuff, but–

Hope Morley: Yeah, until you give them a glass of wine.

Guy Bauer: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I mean, come on. If that was the case, like  we've been to the most boring B2B conferences ever, and people still at night, like, go nuts, like, yeah, no. They always say like, remember when we used to do personality tests and there's like this person. Their true self. And then they have like a modified personality. Remember how they would say that? Like there's the personality at work and then there's like the personality at home. 

Hope Morley: Yeah. 

Guy Bauer: The personality at home is their inner monologue during the day. So even when they're acting professional and stuff and not cursing and pretending to be nice and everything, like they're still thinking in their home monologue.

Like your true monologue is like cursing and is, you know, doing whatever during the day. So, the people that will be watching your video? Yes. When you meet them, when you email with them, they are indicating that they're completely professional. But that's a game that we all play.

Hope Morley: Mm-hmm. So to bust this myth, what we're getting at is in your marketing, especially in potentially your video advertising, you can be a little bit fun. You can be quirky, you can be funny, you know, not everything needs to be just the facts, sir.

Guy Bauer: And not just you can, but you must. You must. Like I would imagine that in North Korea they don't have like funny propaganda and stuff like –

Hope Morley: I don't know where this is going and I don't love it.

Guy Bauer: No, but it's like, what I'm trying to say is a lot of companies run their marketing like North Korea, where it's like, we must be perfect all the time. No one is vulnerable. There's no humor. It's this just perfect vacuum where everyone is perfect in this company and we only say the right things and there is no humor and there's no emotion. All of us are just perfect humans, and we always do the right thing in everything, yada, yada, yada. And that's just not real, you know? And it's like, do you want your marketing to come across like it's propaganda from North Korea? And the answer is no. That's just not how people think and you look silly, like when these brands make these things that are just clearly false propaganda. It's the brand that looks silly. You know what I mean? Like the people, the viewers see that as clearly fake. Like nothing is that perfect. No one is this boring. It's not even that you can be funny or make someone cry or make something beautiful, it's you must, because otherwise it's you that looks bad.

Hope Morley: A little pep talk to in-house marketers out there. And I think some people still think in the B2B world that their company or their business is boring, and they might think that this is kind of the way that it has to be. And your business is not boring. You're probably doing something really cool.

I don't care if you're doing freight shipping. Flock freight just recently did a really cool, funny campaign for shipping. You know, if anyone's gonna say what's boring about trucking and shipping and freight, I don't even know anything about it. But if their business can do something funny, any business can do something funny.

Your business is not boring. Your business is cool. There's cool stories, you're making the lives of your customers better, so talk about it and have some fun.

Guy Bauer: You are cool to your core audience.

You are actually really cool and lean into that. Like, yes. So we have an ad we're working on, it's for a, I think we could say this, is for like a biomarker control for flow cytometry, which is–

Hope Morley: You get those words, listeners? 

Guy Bauer: Yeah. It's like way deep in like biopharma or like, you know, like way deep in like pharmaceuticals.

Hope Morley: Pharmaceutical R&D.

Guy Bauer: Yeah, like deep niche, niche, niche, niche of a niche of a niche of a niche. But we had this cool idea and when we sent it to talent agencies, all the talent agencies, you know, they see the script. They're like, oh, this is funny. Then when we met with the actors and they all had to be silly. They were like, oh, I was laughing out loud at this concept. And they're not the target audience, but when you make something that is inherently interesting. What's funny is when you, you know, when you target your target audience and make something good for them, your concept will be in the category labeled good. And guess what. The broader, you know, broader market or just people even outside the market, will see it and also deem it good.

Hope Morley: Yeah, myth busted. Your business is not boring. 

All right, myth number five. Myth number five is the perfect marketing framework exists, and when you find the right one, it will make all your marketing pieces fall into place and everything will be sunshine and rainbows.

Guy Bauer: Yeah, unfortunately I got some more bad news. Just like how, you know, you can't just get an Google ad campaign and become a billionaire and get a ton of leads. 

Hope Morley: Someone on YouTube is telling you that you can.

Guy Bauer: Yeah. There is no perfect marketing framework. Those are just meant to sell courses. Believe me, I've seen 'em all. I've done 'em all. I think it's human nature to try to not reinvent the wheel.

And if someone else has figured out the golden equation, just use that and apply it. You know, almost like a template. Hope knows because every time I read one of these books or go to one of these things, I'm like, this is what I got. The framework. So what you do is step one you like. None of them work.

There are little pieces of interesting insight from each one of these courses and frameworks, but unfortunately, you have to build your own framework, and the second you're done building it, the market changes and everything, the world changes, and the framework has to be modified. And so there is no perfect framework, even if it's like, if there's no perfect framework external from some other party or even manufactured internally. There is no perfect marketing framework.

Hope Morley: Yeah. And that's not to say all of these frameworks are not useful in their own way or that you should never take a course or try professional development. What we're saying is you need to pick and choose what works for you and what works for your business and your industry, because none of these frameworks, they sell them as if they apply to everyone equally.

But that's just not how the world works. We all know that we have different idiosyncrasies with our business and with our industry and who we're selling to. So we need, you need to modify, you need to take a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and you put it together and you make your own marketing mix.

Guy Bauer: Yeah. 

Hope Morley: The only exception to this is that the perfect marketing podcast is Death to the Corporate Video, and everything we say is widely applicable to everyone.

Guy Bauer: I mean, transparently, we always joke like, imagine if someone's following everything we say, God help them. Like, because you, I mean just you shouldn't, you shouldn't, like, these are all like, First, there's like a few points that I have to prove this 1.1. If this person or entity has invented the perfect marketing framework, why don't they just use it and become a billionaire?

Why would they ever tell you what it is? Like, why would they do that?

Hope Morley: They would just be a private consultant going from business to business, putting them at the very top of their field for millions of dollars.

Guy Bauer: Or just do it themselves. If it's so repeatable and easy, then just become a billionaire using your framework and never tell a soul because you've figured out the fountain of youth or whatever. So that's point number one. The other proof point is like, and I've read all these business books, I've seen all the seminars, I've done 'em all.

Okay. 100% of these gurus have not done peer reviewed clinical, whatever, like research, using statistically relevant things. All of their knowledge they espouse is like what worked for them. And you're relying on this person to understand and attribute, and assign value to each one of these factors correctly, accurately.

And oh, by the way, you know, they did it for their whatever shoe business and their thinking that it can be applied to your, you know, whatever you do. 

Hope Morley: Well, you know, here's a fun fact. Did you know that anybody can write a book? Just anybody. You don't really need to be qualified. Anybody can write a book and sell it. They don't fact check books. Nobody's calling their clients to see how well it actually worked for them in the long term of being like, you know, you worked with this guy five years ago.

Is your business still seeing these results? Nobody does that.

Guy Bauer: No, you know, all this is marketing. It's just a way to get money. And, again, like Hope said, like none of it, I'm not, we're not saying you shouldn't do professional development and you shouldn't, you know, read and stuff, you should. But there's no panacea. There's no golden triangle thing or whatever.

There's nothing. Honestly, what Hope and I talk about regularly is when we were younger, we would always onboard and adapt these different frameworks. Now we're at the point with our own agency, where we are like almost framework free, like we still do EOS. So if you've ever read the book Traction, we do do EOS.

That's not a marketing framework, that's like a business operations framework. We do do EOS, but like we've been through all the marketing things and there's little pieces. But there's no like pure implementation of any marketing framework we've ever been to because we've tried it, it doesn't work with our specific business.

So we are now at the point where we are innovating our own framework and like making mistakes and learning and stuff like that. That's the best way to do it, and that's truly how you develop a competitive advantage because if you're using a template everyone else is using, well then you're just status quo.

The real way to innovate is to make a bunch of mistakes. That's honestly how we do it. So unfortunately, you just have to go on this journey. There is no perfect framework other than this podcast.

Hope Morley: Yeah, the one perfect piece of marketing advice is this podcast.

Guy Bauer: No. And we're kidding. No, for real. I mean, and if someone were to actually go through all of our episodes, I'm sure we contradict ourselves like all the time because honestly our thinking changes.

Hope Morley: We evolve. 

Guy Bauer: Yeah. Like we've done like almost 70 episodes. I'm sure. What we were saying on episode 10 is wrong, or like parts of it are extremely terrible.

Hope Morley: Or just out of date? Things change, like you were saying. You know, like the markets, we started recording this before in 2019 or like at the beginning, before the pandemic. And it's like, talk about how the economy and the world has changed since we started this podcast. Geez.

Guy Bauer: Yeah.

Hope Morley: So myth busted. There is no perfect marketing framework. Try a little bit of everything and put together your own patchwork.

Guy Bauer: Boom.

Hope Morley: Okay, one bonus myth. This is just a little quickie for the end of the episode. Marketing myth bonus number six is that the myth is that mountain climbing is a perfect metaphor for your business. This also applies to race cars. This is the myth that race cars are a perfect metaphor for your business.

Guy Bauer: Yeah. I mean, you see it all over the place. Yeah. This is just like a fun myth, but like, you know when you get the idea like, oh, okay, so, alright. So our service, what we do is we do. 

Hope Morley: It's like we accelerate your growth, accelerate, race cars.

Guy Bauer: Right, right, right, right. Or like, yeah, like we, we take clients on a journey. Oh yeah. We're like a mountain climber. We're like a, a guide, a mountain climbing guide, and we'll show people climbing a mountain and it's like a, and it's like us, like lifting our clients up, you know? And nope, everyone has thought of this.

Everyone has thought of the race car. Everyone has thought of the mountain climbing. Nope.

Hope Morley: What I love about, what I love about the mountain climbing too, is like, it's like the least relatable thing that you can come up with. How many people actually climb mountains? Like actually, not like hiking, but like properly mountain climbing, like that is not really a widely applicable or relatable metaphor to begin with.

Like we all, it's visual. 

Guy Bauer: It's visual.

Hope Morley: But how many of us have actually experienced, like, you know, using the picks and going up a mountain.

Guy Bauer: It's the lowest hanging fruit. So, you know, if you're thinking about doing a mountain climbing metaphor, I mean, the fact that we're making fun of it on this podcast is, is just telling you it's like it's been done. It's ubiquitous. And also when I was younger, we did it for a client and I could tell you it's ineffective.

It just doesn't actually make sense. Like, you're not like a mountain climber, your company is not a mountain climber. It's just not a good metaphor. I'm sorry. Myth busted. Move on. Pick another.

Hope Morley: You want people to understand what your business does. You don't want them to be spending their brain power understanding what your metaphor is.

Guy Bauer: Yeah. 

Hope Morley: All right. I'll quickly run through the five marketing myths and one bonus that we busted today. So here are the five marketing myths that need to die. Marketing myth number one, in order to be relevant, you have to be trendy Marketing. Myth number two.

Guy Bauer: Bell!

Hope Morley: Oh.

Guy Bauer: Dead. Busted.

Hope Morley: Marketing myth number two, marketing is a faucet for leads you can just turn on and off.

Guy Bauer: Busted.

Hope Morley: Marketing myth number three. If you make a good ad, people will share it.

Guy Bauer: Busted.

Hope Morley: Marketing myth number four, my business or industry needs to be professional and boring.

Guy Bauer: You're outta here.

Hope Morley: And marketing myth number five, the perfect marketing framework exists.

Guy Bauer: Get lost.

Hope Morley: And bonus myth, mountain climbing is a great metaphor for business.

Thanks for listening today. I'm gonna throw out another pitch for our listener survey in the show notes today. So please, if you're a regular listener of the show, we'd love to hear your thoughts about Death to the Corporate Video. So please fill out the survey in the show notes.

And one lucky respondent will be chosen to win either an Amazon gift card or a donation to their local food bank. So please fill it out. Let us know what you think. And if you wanna learn more about us, you can visit us on our website at umault.com. That's U M A U L T.com, or you can find us across all the social media channels at Umault.

Thanks for listening today.

Guy Bauer: You're welcome.





Picture of Guy bauer, founder of umault

Guy has been making commercial videos for over 20 years and is the author of “Death to the Corporate Video: A Modern Approach that Works.” He started the agency in 2010 after a decade of working in TV, film and radio. He’s been losing hair and gaining weight ever since.

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